Nithish G
Right-Handed Player
Best Performance of the Player (Match History)
- Match 1 (RR1) vs Jackson: Won 2-1 (-9,10,5)
- Match 2 (RR2) vs Sebastian: Lost 1-2 (9,-6,-5)
- Match 3 (RR3) vs Maghizan: Won 2-0 (6,8)
- Match 4 (KO-QF) vs Shashank: Won 3-2 (6,-4,7,-6,13)
- Match 5 (KO-SF) vs Arun: Won 3-2 (-9,8,-8,6,9)
- Match 6 (KO-F) vs Sanjay: Won 3-2 (5,-5,5,-8,12)
Congratulation to Nithish G to be The “WINNER” in non-medallist singles event of cptt intra table tennis tournament attejesh sports academy, Chennai (Dec-19).